Alaskan Songbirds by Mosquito Lake

Mosquito Lake

Mosquito Lake... sound like just the place you would want to go to on vacation. And you know,Alaskan Mosquitos are even bigger than Texas mosquitos... Some have been known to have a wing span of eighteen inches and have been seen carrying off small pets... This hasn't been captured on video yet, but just wait.

With an insect population of such magnitude, it makes sense that the local song birds are well fed and happy. I was able to capture some of their calls when I was up there. I was on a dirt/mud/rock road perhaps 10 miles beyond the lake, deep in the woods when I set up. something about the woods there gave the bird calls an interesting reverberance.

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Frog Hollow
Mar 17, 2020
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  Alaskan Songbirds by Mosquito Lake
Spring Songbirds, Patterson California
Jun 10, 2016
This is the first field recording it put out for public consumptions. It was recorded the first week of March, 2016 in the Hills east of Patterson, Ca. It was a beautiful Spring morning and I found an acceptable location by a small brook. Birds singing in the area make it a very pretty-sounding location. Unfortunately a gravel truck bame by about every 20 minutes which limited the length of the recording.
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