

Savanoia... It's not a word, just a noise you can make with your mouth. I was noodling around and ended up with a sorta swell opening and then became distracted with other things, leaving the intro collecting dust on the virtual shelf. Some time later I wanted to to write something with more repetition. I had been listening to some drone-type stuff and thought it was kind of cool. "I should give that a try." The 12/8 section in the middle was my attempt. I love 12-time it is so much fun. Anyhow... here it is.

A funny thing... After uploading the tune to Apple Music I noticed that they had re-classified it from classical to electronic. Nope. it's eight or 10 wind instruments. It just needs a really good clarinet player.

This is available on all major streaming services.
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Nouveau Guinea Ensemble Posts
The Bunnies Parade
Aug 15, 2017
Imagine yourself walking down the street minding your own kind of business. Perhaps you are one of those who like to pull on their ear as they walk, or stroke the soft fur there. Perhaps you like to pause now and then and twitch your whiskers at everything.
Les Baricades Misterieuses
Nov 09, 2012
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The Bumblebee's Briefcase
May 09, 2012
The Bumblebee's Briefcase flies over hill and dale in search of pollen & nectar. The intrepid little tune comes across adventure and drama on its quest until it finally come home t rest in its home hive.
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