Running Down The Coast
So I decided to take Highway One South from Mendocino to San Francisco It turned out to be a lovely day...
A lot of the Northern California coastline is pretty abrupt and the distance can be confusing... some of the bluffs are hundreds of feet tall and you really don't realize it until you either walk over to the edge or look back from a few miles further on
Really big. From the ocean all of the way up to the sky! Giant shards... They probably don't looks so huge in the picture, but the rectagular-ish one is over 100 feet... it may not be Half-dome, but it sure isn't sand.
This is looking North to Bolinas... it you turn around you can see all of the way to Sutro Tower in San Francisco... but it was a hazy day so I won't include that picture here.
Yes, I went to that spot and took this picture of San Francisco.... Again. But this is on a different day, right? While I was at play, there was a fellow setting up a large format camera to take the same picture. it was a beautiful day to find something to do outside.