Random Phoughts

Some random shots from the past year.
The Hayfield Motel is on US highway 50 in Gore, Virginia. Highway 50 is one oft he Old US highways. built in 1926 that originally ran from Sacramento, CA to Ocean City, Maryland. It's a nice drive, I have driven most of it in bits and pieces.. It is certainly not a day trip. The Hayfield is a nice, tidy, decently maintained motel to look at.

Hayfield Motel Sign

The Hayfield Motel sign... a classic.

A Red Outbuilding ...out in a field.

One of the beautiful, open valleys of the Virginia Adirondacks.

Old Store

It looks like they ran out of paint.

An old pile of brick in Cairo Illinois

Cairo Theater

The Gem Theater in Cairo, IL. on the right side of it there is a big gap in the wal that has a tree whose trunk is about 14" growing out of it. I'm guessing they don't sell popcorn anymore.

Built in 1931, this is probnably the best-maintained building in Cairo... & one of the few remaining standing,

Rooms for let.

And then we randomly jump to California... well, not too random... it was a long cross-country drive in the middle of November.

Fog breaking from inland toward the ocean. I was driving east from Morro Bay toward Atascadero.

East of Paso Robles.

In the middle of California's Souther Coast Range there is a broad wide valley with highway 25 running up. On the West of the valley the slops are wooded with oaks.

A dry hill under a blue sky

Silly people with your cell phones, you can't see any of the detail in this shot. Trust me, it's lovely.

I like all of the parallel cattle paths on this hillside

Barn and water tank before a mountain range.

When these folk run over to the neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar, they stay for a cup of coffee an a chat as well.

Yellow Barn

A yellow barn.

Wooded vale vista

Photography Posts
Mister Choo Choo
Sep 18, 2019
I stumbled into the Train Museum in Portola, Ca. Pictures ensued,
  Random Phoughts
Wildlands of San Francisco
May 26, 2016
It is all around us and it is relentless. Right now it is working at destroying our homes and cities. While we sleep at night it is tirelessly toiling away. Overcoming everything we know. Everything we have made. Everything we will ever do. There is no escape. We are in a symbiotic relationship with it. We love it deeply and without it we will die. Yet in the long run, our species will be gone and it will overrun this world until all life is gone and there is nothing left but a burnt ember orbiting the Sun.
Some Humble Abodes
May 23, 2016
There are uncounted scads of really nice Victorian houses in San Francisco and if I was to take pictures of the best of them I couldn't afford the film... er... hard drive space. Besides, San Francisco has many more syles of houses beyond Victorians. This a selection of a few that I have shot in the past month or so.
Fort Bragg on a Foggy Night
May 12, 2016
The fog rolls in.. It is late on a late spring night. Nothing on TV. There never is. Grab the camera & tripod... it's time to take a walk.
And a Few More Pictures of San Francisco
May 09, 2016
There are always a few left-over pictures that don't seem to fit in with any article.. I'll throw in a Batch of San Francisco images here. these are shot in all sections of the city, and are not displayed in any particular order.
California's Lost Coast
May 07, 2016
There is an area of California known as the Lost Coast. Somewhere north of Fort Bragg, south of Ferndale and west of highway 101. There are a few ways to get there but fewer people who will tell you how. Some places you can drive to, much of it is accessable only by foot if at all. It is one of the remaining places that Sasquatch can run free.
What are you going to do in San Francisco anyhow?
Dec 28, 2015
I like San Francisco. I always have. For my first job I was a driver for a water lab. Every morning I had to drive from Redwood City to Marin (through San Francisco, of course). I had all morning to do the drive plus my lunch hour. I would often spend my lunch hour picking a new route through the city. Way too much fun to be paid for, but i took the money anyway. Now I had the opportunity to spend all day every day in the city.
Recent Pictures
Jun 19, 2015
May & June get lumped together. Lots of packing. 56 years of house to deal with. Getting my replacements at Gryphon up and running.
Some Recent Pictures
May 19, 2015
April was an interesting month. Packing things up. A few shots testing a new Canon 100-400mm lens. Of course when packing things can get messy... I knocked over a pile of empty film reels. It looked so nice I just had to take a picture.
Aug 21, 2017
Although I was headed into Washington I drove up through Idaho to enter by Moscow, Idaho. I've heard reports of the areas beauty for years... time to check it out. Moscpw, to Pullman, Wa. and head west. Many beautiful bottom valleys.
Hey, Let's hit Idaho
Aug 10, 2017
So I decided to scoot over to Washington... First I had to get across Idaho.
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