

Do you ever have projects like that? They are sitting over on a shelf and you're thinking: "Oh, I gotta finish that one day..." Then one day arrives and you go over & look at it and realize it has been finished the whole time. It just needs a little dusting and some paint touchup.

This is one of those. I think I may have been conflicted with the tempo, I thought it might be too slow... But speeding it up would mess with the second statement... it's short, to be sure but now I have space on my shelf.

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Gerluz Posts
Nov 06, 2020
A cute little tine in 12/8... except for the bridge... it jumps around a bit there... almost latin sounding. I named it after a favorite chili pepper. the Chiltepin, also known as a bird's eye pepper.
Sep 17, 2020
Sometimes, when writing a song the title arrives first. Coffee Time Rag is an example. Other times you work out a musical idea and a title comes along during the process......
Cherry Blossom Sunrise
Jun 25, 2020
A calming and slower piece in four acts and four minutes. Something to listen to while you are supping your morning beverage watching the sun rise though the cherry blossoms.
Coffee Time Rag
Jun 11, 2020
It's time for a ragtime song! This song was scheduled to be released in the middle of May but my "Streaming Distributor" is a tad backed up. Oh well. Sorry to keep you-all waiting. There are still twomore finished peiced in their queue & I have a few other songs on the boiler.
My Latin Bouquet
May 01, 2020
The original title of this song was "in the Shade of the Ombu". ... the Ombu being a tree that grows in the pampa of Argentina & Uruguay. I was imagining a restful siesta under a tree, maybe a couple of Gauchos strumming their guitarras. But then I had another thought.
Lazy Day Waltz
Apr 23, 2020
It's a lazy waltz from a lazy day. I was intending it to form a different piece but one melody flowed to the next and, before I knew it, what I had intended to be a dance piece became this melodically progressive waltz. I had fun with it, I hope you do too.
Skipping Over the Lily Pads
Jul 27, 2017
Ah geepers, I've done it again... Calling this one "Skipping Over the Lily Pads".... The wizardry of Gerluz on the piano. Go ahead and add it to your playlists.
Gravity Wave
Feb 18, 2016
San Francisco is a great walking town. I took a lot of long walks at pretty much any time of day or night, this piece came about through these walks.
Oct 22, 2015
This one is actually part of a larger suite that I call Parlor Passages. It is intended to recall the frenetic energy energy of a children's playground. It is quite short, just over a minute a bit of brightness to be inserted in a longer ensemble.
The Optimistic Nihilist
Sep 15, 2015
You know how it is.... you have one of those weeks. You slog to work on a cold and dismal Monday; The office bully pins you down and steals your lunch money...
Dec 22, 2014
The gentle tones of an evening breeze leads into a lively 6/4 waltz.
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