Folded Strata

This is not a very pretty picture, but it's sure interesting. This hillside is about 100 feet tall. In the middle you can see the ancient ocean floor has been twisted so that it is aligned to the center of the earth instead of flat and then it is pretty much just folded up. At the bottom it curls around 90 degrees and then heads up to the right at a 45 degree angle. You can see how, during the eons it took to make this impressive fold, some of the layers of sediment delaminated & made gaps. In other parts you can see intrusions between layers. It is tough to see in the picture, but at the upper left, the strata has made another 90-degree bend.

When I was young & would get a croissant with my coffee in the morning I would love to peel apart the puff pastry layer by layer. This hillside gives me the same urge.... But I don't think it would dunk well.

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