Frog Hollow

Frog Hollow

I love the sound of frogs singing. When I lived in the Missouri Ozarks, it seemed like there was always that one day in early March where it warmed up just enough so that, off through the woods, you would hear that first, lone frog singing. Calling to find out if there was anyone else around and if they wanted to date.. It was a sweet, high-pitched frog song that I was never able to capture... because the next time it warmed up just enough there were 30 or 40 of them joining in the chorus. I destroyed more than one mic in the process. for a couple of yearsI would run 300 foot cables out into the woods with weather-sealed mics before the hoped for day but then the weather would turn or I would have to run to town... Perhaps I have a recording of them on an ADAT tape... but, if so, it isn't available in my current archives..

Anyhow. this is not that recording. This is a full chorus of frogs. They start and they stop and then one starts singing again and others tentatively join in. it gets pretty wild at times and then it stills down so that all you can hear is a bit of a breeze through the live oaks and a scrub jay making fun. You can identify certain individual frogs and different species. It's an interesting recording and it is 54 minutes of pure nature, no motorcycles or traffic noise. if you Set it on low and loop it all night long. It will make for a restful sleep.

I recorded this east of Gilroy, California. In Henry Coe State Park. In February 2022. A long hike carrying a few dozen lbs of gear to make a nice, long recording

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