The Tiny Jalopy

The Tiny Jalopy Cover

I had written this as a solo piano piece for Gerluz. While I wasn't fully satisfied with it I felt is was "good enough" and even did the cover art for it. The problem is that when I label something of mine "good enough" is that it really isn't and I am just tired of fussing with it. While the tune was find and dandy I couldn't get the piano to sound exactly how I wanted... something about the register it was in made it sound harsh and unlistenable on some of the various devices I previewed it on. I mean... this was the second time I had pulled it off of the shelf to work on it... I liked the tune and now I even had nifty cover art.

As a last ditch effort I thought I would try to arrange it for the Nouveau Guinea Ensemble. A lot more work than a single piano, but I had cover art, darn it! So I dutifully began the task.... Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Oboe d'Amour... when I added the Piccolo it was like sunshine on a rainy day. My cartoon vision was complete, no longer would the oppressed melodies cower in fear of a jangly piano. I didn't even mind adjusting the cover art.

This is available on all major streaming services.
Here are a few ways for you to listen.
Add it to one of your playlists.

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Keywords in This Article

Nouveau Guinea Ensemble
wind ensemble
Bass Clarinet

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