San Francisco Steamer

San Francisco Steamer

It is serious business piloting these steam ferries around the San Francisco Bay... shoveling coal, watching gages & twiddling valves... the fellows have to hustle to makes sure everything runs on time. For the passengers it is a different story. They arrive in 3/4 time, serious in their demeanor, on their way to work in the Tall Buildings. They are thinking about the upcoming deals and business of the day. Though they might not be shoveling coal, it's still a work day.

What's this? There are interlopers! People on holiday who disembark in a jolly fashion and go skipping down the wharf away from the Tall Buildings. For them the sun is brighter and the day holds much more promise.

But for the workers on the steamer the day continues. More coal, more sweat, steam valves hissing, cylinders pumping, steam wheel churning the cold water of the bay.

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Gerluz Posts
Indian Summer
Sep 07, 2012
It was late September 2005. I was walking through Monticello, Idaho. Small town, warm evening. Almost no traffic sound. I could hear kids playing a few blocks away... dogs barking on the other side of town.It really sounded great, so I recorded it. A number of years later....
  San Francisco Steamer
Teddy's Tango
Apr 06, 2012
Ah, Teddy's Tango... Exciting, dynamic... People seem to like it.... and you an dance to it! There is a softer interlude in the middle where you can make closer passes with your partner. Like all Tangos this one entangles the passion, romance and mixed messages that are love.
plays Lost Ragtime Masters
Aug 08, 2011
Thirteen previously unknown & unheard ragtime songs collected between 1900 and 1910 discovered in the notebooks and papers of William G. Brogger of Ohio.... Plus one piece written by Gerlüz himself.
Gerluz Plays Claude Debussy
Dec 01, 2010
A Gerllüz rendering of 19 of Debussy's beloved tunes.
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