The Optimistic Nihilist

The Optimistic Nihilist Cover

You know how it is.... you have one of those weeks. You slog to work on a cold and dismal Monday; The office bully pins you down and steals your lunch money; Your fountain pen leaks all over your shirt. Some weeks begin like that. Tuesday the office cat shreds your socks. But Wednesday gets a little better and Thursday is better yet... Friday comes at last and at the end of the day you are skipping out of the door.

This song follows one of those weeks... In fact, it was written during one of those weeks. With no awareness of the outcome or title. Each statement was written at the end of a different day. On Saturday when I played it through I was surprised at how dreary it started out... That's not how I was writing Friday night... Then I recalled Monday. Ah yes, Monday.

I guess the story is that no matter how decrepit and nasty a day can be, you get points for slogging on through. And if you persevere and slog long enough you can dredge your way right out of the swamp.

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Gerluz Posts
Oct 22, 2015
This one is actually part of a larger suite that I call Parlor Passages. It is intended to recall the frenetic energy energy of a children's playground. It is quite short, just over a minute a bit of brightness to be inserted in a longer ensemble.
  The Optimistic Nihilist
Dec 22, 2014
The gentle tones of an evening breeze leads into a lively 6/4 waltz.
Oct 15, 2014
Though I thought of this originally as a piano piece, The Nouveau Guinea Wind Ensemble kinda takes over and turns this into a lively piano-ensemble piece... Just can't keep those birds out of anything...
Plays Antonin Dvorak
Dec 20, 2012
I like Antonin Dvorak, he's OK in my book. His Serenade for Strings OP 22. is one of my faves.
Plays Scott Joplin
Oct 26, 2012
I guess I was a weird kid. While other adolescents were listening to Pop music of the late-60s and early-70s, I was captivated by Scott Joplin, George Gershwin, Spike Jones, the Korn Kobblers and anything on a 78 that I could scrabble from the neighbors.
Indian Summer
Sep 07, 2012
It was late September 2005. I was walking through Monticello, Idaho. Small town, warm evening. Almost no traffic sound. I could hear kids playing a few blocks away... dogs barking on the other side of town.It really sounded great, so I recorded it. A number of years later....
San Francisco Steamer
Aug 25, 2012
It is a serious business piloting these steam ferries around the San Francisco Bay... shoveling coal, watching gages & twiddling valves... the fellows have to hustle to makes sure everything runs on time.
Teddy's Tango
Apr 06, 2012
Ah, Teddy's Tango... Exciting, dynamic... People seem to like it.... and you an dance to it! There is a softer interlude in the middle where you can make closer passes with your partner. Like all Tangos this one entangles the passion, romance and mixed messages that are love.
plays Lost Ragtime Masters
Aug 08, 2011
Thirteen previously unknown & unheard ragtime songs collected between 1900 and 1910 discovered in the notebooks and papers of William G. Brogger of Ohio.... Plus one piece written by Gerlüz himself.
Gerluz Plays Claude Debussy
Dec 01, 2010
A Gerllüz rendering of 19 of Debussy's beloved tunes.
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