The Day We Met
It's a song... lend it your ear.
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Gerluz, Piano,

The Beckwourth Complex Fire
July 7, 2021. Heading back from the hills I saw big smoke and decided to drive over to get a better idea of how close to me it actually was... it was about a mile from the highway. I pulled over to take a few snapshots. On that day Inciniweb.com reported it to be about 3000 acres. Currently, 4 days later, it is reported as 83,926 acres. It grew some. ...Read more
Sierra Nevada, Beckwourth, Wildfire, Smoke, Airplane, DC-10, Fire, Helicopter, Jet, Firefighting,

One Last Snow
Last week was the last snow of April... Crews had been at work clearing the roads that had been closed all winter and one had access to the trailheads that were deeper in the hills. And then it snowed. It was a fortunate snow. From Sunday into Monday. So when I headed out on Monday, there were 6 - 8 inches of fresh powder and all of the snowmobiles had gone home. Just me, the snow and the silence. ...Read more
Sierra Nevada, Snow, Tree, Vista, Winter,

Mister Frank
Eventually, Mister Frank, who was 81 at the time, asked if I could come in and help out in the morning. Of course I agreed I wanted to see more of what and who was about. So I showed up at 10 am, banging on the locked front door. Shuffling steps approached. Mister Frank's visage appeared from the gloom. ...Read more

Let's Try a Little Winter
Now that April is here, I guess it is safe to talk about Winter. it was a mild winter up here in the hills & I have discovered the joys of getting lost in the woods on snowshoes. ...Read more
Sierra Nevada, Snow, Winter, Vista, Lake, Mountain,

Prickly Pear
It's a song... lend it your ear.
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hipster, Hep Cat,

It's a song... lend it your ear.
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Meadow, Music, wind ensemble,

Volcanic Sounds of the Yellowstone Caldera
It's an Album
On one of my drive-abouts I found myself in Yellowstone National Park. it's a jolly fun place if you like that sort of thing... You know... Buffalo, trees, geysers & such. It pushes a couple of my buttons for sure. Yellowtone has wo many cool sounds that I simply had to record some of them.
Mud pots that go glurp, glurp. Little holes in the ground that sound like they are gargling. Big, deep pools that release giant bubbles of gas.... Caves at the edge of pools that belch forth great volumes of steam and water then the water flows back in for the next show. They must have good writers there for the variety is seemingly endless. ...Read more

Porphero's Watch Chain
It's a song... lend it your ear.
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The Ice Follies
There is an old proverb: "A fooish person and their camera soon becomes tedious." This is a risk faced by everyone who walks about with a camera hanging around their necks like an albatross. Indeed, persons in possesion of selfie sticks or who whip out their cell phones to document every aspect of their life are also at risk. But crossing the street is also a risk and not everyone who crosses the street is hit by a bus. After all, it is not how many pictures one takes that leads to photographic folly but how many one imposes upon others.
Ah, but I am a fool... So many times I have tried to reform. To subdue my penchant for pixels and limit the relentlessly redundant renderings my camera tempts me to take..... ...Read more
Ah, but I am a fool... So many times I have tried to reform. To subdue my penchant for pixels and limit the relentlessly redundant renderings my camera tempts me to take..... ...Read more

Les Langueurs Tendres
It's a song... lend it your ear.
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Harpsichord, Baroque, Couperin,